Saturday, 9 April 2011


1. A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words.

A picture no doubt enhances the overall look and feel of your website. However, like the quote above a picture file is rather big in size and too much of it can make your website seem like a drag to download. Although most internet users are now cruising the information super highway at broadband speed you should still cater to those who are still using dial up connections ( and mind you there are more then a handful). As a rule of thumb I recommend you keep your image size to less then 30k where possible. Your webpage should be able to load within 5 seconds. Please do not forget about users who cannot see the images on your website by providing alternate texts as description to the images. Most webpage creation programs like Macromedia’s DreamWeaver allow you to this easily.

2. Navigability & functionality come before artistic excellence

It is absolutely of no use to make a website that is a masterpiece from an artistic point of view but a complete failure on the web! Why? Because the users simply don’t know how to get around the website! You should always bear in mind what car manufacturers always emphasize, ease of accessibility to functions. Make sure your navigation is clear and absolutely idiot proof (no offence to those of you out there who always get lost in a website no matter how good it is).

3. Avoid Mystery Meat Navigation.

This is one of the biggest mistakes a website can make as well as one of the most frustrating experience for users. This sort of navigation requires the user to mouse over an image in order to navigate to a link without actually having any idea where they are heading. It is only when they click and hold the mouse over the image that they can see the actual link.

4. Tables – Split them up

Ever been to a website whereby you find yourself staring at a blank screen for a certain period of time before finally as if by magic the whole website just pops out of no where? That is because the designer of that website probably put the whole web page within a single table. Tables are used in web design to help align images in a website as well as to create a structure to the layout of a website. It makes everything neater as well as enables the designer to create abstract layouts easily. I will show you how to use tables as part of your design later on but for now please take note that your user would be far better off if you split a single table on a page into smaller tables as required. It helps the user to prepare for the long wait in a way as the smaller tables with their contents and images will be downloading first so users can anticipate and not leave your website in frustration.

5. No Pop-up Windows Please

Pop-up windows have been on the rise recently on the web. These are small little windows that pop-up with some information or key advertisement on them. They do nothing but clutter the user’s screen unnecessarily. It is best if all links open within the same window. However exceptions for the use of a pop up window may be for situations like if a page contains a link list then it might good to place all these links within a pop up window. However as a general rule avoid using pop up windows they make your life as well as the user’s easier. Furthermore, operating systems like Microsoft Windows XP are now equipped with Pop-Up Blocker (this tells you how welcome pop ups are to users).

6. Use Plain Vanilla Fonts

Have you ever heard of fonts such as Neuropolitical? No? Well it exists and it is a fanciful font with a futuristic typography to it. You might be surprise to know that I am actually discouraging you from using such fanciful fonts. Why? Can you imagine the frustration for your users of having to read your entire website in default times new roman all because they do not have the font you used installed on their machines. Restrict the usage of such fanciful fonts to your graphical designs only. Stick to the good old combo of Arial, Verdana and Tahoma.

7. No revolutionary plug-ins

For those who have never heard of the word plug – in , do not be alarmed it is simply a executable such as a program or animation or audio/video stream that requires an external software to be installed or plugged in (hence the name) into your computer to run.

Most web designers would jump at the chance of using as many plug-ins some of which have never even been heard of before. They think that this fanciful plug-ins would impress the user however more often then not the opposite occurs. It draws visitors away from your website. No one likes to wait for an extra minute or two to allow software to download on their computer only to watch some senseless animation or listen to some audio which has no importance to the website’s core purpose. Have you ever seen websites like Yahoo! Google or Lycos? You will notice they do not have plug-ins at all. However like everything else in this world, there are exceptions even when it comes to plug-ins. For example, if you would like to use animation on your website you can use Macromedia Flash and you can create a link from your site to enable users to download its plug in via Macromedia’s website so they can view your site’s Flash content.

8. Never underestimate meta tags

Meta tags are a group of special key words which are used to describe some aspects of the content of your site. It is widely used in HTML based websites. The information that is provided within a meta tag will enable search engines to index your webpage so that people using the search engine to search for a particular information might be able to find it on your page more easily. In short, meta tags when properly chosen can help your webpage gain more exposure and better listings on search engines.

9. User is King

Like every business in the real world, the customer is always right and so it is on the Internet. Keep your customers happy and focus on providing services and features on your website which focus on adding value to your customer’s experience when they visit your website. How can you do that? Simple, just make sure you have a good storefront for your website and if you are selling services make sure your customers can easily find the service they need and get prompt service from you. Always remember to put your customers at the front of your mind! It can make all the difference between a casual surfer and a serious customer.

10. K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid

This is the most common abbreviation we have all come across at one point or another in our lives. Yet, it holds so much of truth in it. Simplicity in anything; especially a website is the key to making it a huge success. Flashy graphics and fancy navigation may all be eye candy however, they serve no real purpose and in no way do they contribute to the website’s ability to draw visitors. Even if the website does draw in visitors it is mostly casual surfers who are just there to check out the website’s functionality and not actually utilize its services or buy from it.

Arvind Gawade is a Internet Business Consultant and Professional Web Developer for the past four years. Over the years, with the constant change of the Internet as well as his experience in working with people from all walks of life, Arvind has discovered some methods that can help anyone floor the accelerator to reach their way to financial freedom online in 3 months or less. Visit his website at: and try out this amazing system to get US$500.00 just for being a tester.


Pick a diversified domestic growth fund that performed in the top quartile of all mutual funds over the last three to five years. It will probably have averaged an annual rate of return of about 20%. The fund should also have a better-than-average record in the latest 12 months when compared to other domestic growth stock funds.

Steer away from funds that concentrate in only one industry or one area like energy, electronics, or gold. The investment company you pick does not have to be in the top three or four in performance each year to give you an excellent profit over 10 to 15 years.

The fund can be either a no-load, with no commission, or load, or one where a sales commission is charged. If you buy a fund with a sales charge, discounts are offered according to the amount you invest and some funds have back-end loads which you may want to check. The commission paid is substantially less than the mark-up you pay to buy insurance, a new car, a suit of clothes, or your groceries. You can also sign a letter of intent, which will allow a lower sales charge to apply to any quantity purchase made over the following 13 months.

When you purchase a mutual fund, you are hiring professional management to make decisions for you in the stock market. Most diversified funds should be treated differently from individual stocks. A stock may decline and never come back in price. That's why the loss-cutting policy is necessary.

However, a well-selected fund run by an established management organization will, in time, almost always recover from the steep corrections that naturally occur during numerous bear markets. This is because mutual funds are broadly diversified and should participate in each recovery cycle in the American economy.

Therefore, an extraordinarily different strategy should be employed with mutual funds. Each time you get into the thick of an economic recession and the newspapers and TV tell you how terrible things are, why not add to your fund when it is off 25% to 30% from its peak price. It might even be a possible time to borrow a little money and buy more shares. If you are patient, within two or three years the shares should be up sharply in price.

Remember, you're going to hold through many economic cycles, so why not be smart and add to your investment during each bear market? You can also reinvest your dividends and capital gains distributions and benefit from compounding over the years. When you buy your growth mutual fund, you should make up your mind at the outset that you are positively going to sit through the next three or four bear markets or economic recessions. This will give you the maximum opportunity to make really big money.


The global positioning satellite or GPS can do more than just prevent someone from getting lost. Studies have shown that this technology can make people stay in shape by building one's endurance.

This happens by purchasing a watch that has GPS as one of its features. The basic ones act like regular watches because all it has is a timer. A good example of this is the Garmin Forerunner 101 and the Navman 2.

Those who prefer the more advanced ones can monitor the heart rate and measure the mileage run or jogged like the kind seen in the Garmin Forerunner 201. One of the best things it has it is the ability to store daily logs for more than two years. This can help athletes and fitness enthusiasts develop a program that will cater to their needs.

There are different methods to make this happen.

- The first is by setting a distance that has to be achieved. There is no time pressure here. The important thing is to complete it and then add another mile or two after a few weeks.

- This goes to the second method which involves timing. You may be able to run 10 miles but races are won by those who are able to finish it the fastest.

Those who have endurance can work on speed. Athletes should have a strong start, maintain a certain pace and then finish strong in the end. This has to be perfected regardless if the marathon is done in the city or cross country.

- The first two methods are effective for those who compete. But for those who can't start quickly like the other runners or are doing this to lose weight, the third method of being able to maintain a certain speed together and heart rate is enough to make anyone stay in shape.

This approach is more popular among those who have health issues. This is because not that much effort is exerted which isn't that stressful to the body.

Garmin is just one of many that sells watches that have a GPS function. There are other brands to choose from such as Casio, Magellan and Timex. Running is just one way of helping people stay fit. Swimming a fe


                                  CIVILIAN GPS RECEIVER IN MARINE APPLICATIONS

                                    GPS RECEIVERS INTEGRATED IN MOBILE PHONES

                                  GPS SATELLITE IN ORBIT[BLOCK II-F GENERATION]


Technology continues to improve and become better as the years go by. The last decade alone has seen tremendous innovations and breakthroughs when it comes to technology and its use in different fields. Perhaps what is most remarkable is that technological gadgets and advancements are now becoming more and more mainstream as devices are being made for mass consumers in mind. Nowadays a regular person has access to technology and gadgets that would seem like science fiction to an era just a few decades ago.

Take the Global Positioning System or GPS for example. While this system was initially developed by the Department of Defense, civilians can now use this technology and benefit greatly from it. Even before individuals had access to personal GPS devices, airplanes were using this system to navigate the skies. The GPS is able to aid in navigation by means of several satellites orbiting the earth specifically for this purpose.

The communication between the satellites and the receiver allows the GPS device to calculate its exact location. That's why even if you aren't a pilot, you can benefit from a GPS device if you like to hike or trek in the outdoors. Instead of a compass, utilize a GPS device to be able to tell exactly where you are. The GPS device will help you navigate through the outdoors with precision that a compass may not be able to give.

That is, you will need to learn about declination and be able to compute the difference between the magnetic north and the true north when using a compass. With a GPS device however, you can be assured that given that it is working correctly, it will give you a very precise description of your location and help you navigate your way. Any errors that may incur from the GPS has been anticipated and corrected appropriately.

GPS systems are also used in cars to be able to help drivers navigate new territory. Having a good and updated GPS system installed in the car eliminates the need for deciphering a map. A map can be difficult to manage especially because it is difficult if not dangerous to consult your map while driving. A GPS device in your car serves as an interactive map, which you can use while driving so that you can easily navigate your way anywhere.

With all the benefits of GPS to everyday life, we can expect the technology to get better and become more in demand.


Bluetooth is a high speed, low powered wireless link technology that's designed to connect phones or other portable equipment together with little to no work required by the user. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth doesn't require line of site positioning to work.

Current prototype circuits are contained on a board that is 0.9 cm square, with a much smaller circuit board being developed.

When one Bluetooth device comes in contact with another, they will automatically exchange addresses and details of capability. Then, they can establish a 1 MB link with security that they will use as required. The protocols involved with handle both data and voice, with a very flexible topography.

The technology achieves its goal by embedding tiny, non expensive short range tranceivers into the devices available today. The radio operates on the 2.45 GHz frequency band, and supports up to 721 KBps, along with three voice channels.

Each devices offers a unique 48 bit address from the IEEE 802 standard, with the connections being point to point or multipoint. The max range is 10 meters, although it can be extended to 100 meters by increasing the power. The devices are also protected from radio interference by changing their frequencies, also known as frequency hopping.

What's important, is the fact that Bluetooth devices won't drain battery life. The specification targets power consumption of the device, limiting the drain on the battery. The radio chip will consume only 0.3mA in stand by mode, which is less than 5% of the power that standard phones use.

Bluetooth will also guarantee security at the bit level. The authentification is controlled by the user via a 128 bit key. The radio signals can be coded with anything up to 128 bit. With the frequency hopping, Bluetooth is already very hard to listen into.

The baseband protocol is a combination of both circuit and packet switches. Slots can be reserved for synchronous packets as well. Each packet will be transmitted in a different hop frequency. Normally, a packet covers a single slot although it can be extended to cover up to five slots.

Bluetooth can also support data channels of up to three simultaneous voice channels. Therefore, it's possible to transfer the data while you talk at the same time. Each individual voice channel will support 64 KB.

From a technical standpoint, Bluetooth is very different indeed. It's the best wireless method in the world, surpassing even infrared. For communication on the go, Bluetooth is indeed very hard to compete with.

Thursday, 7 April 2011


He is standing again in parliament elections & his mother is contesting for assembly elections.However they are testing their fate once again against the congress party.Y.S.JAGAN is having local MLAs support also in the district.So he started his campaigning in the district from MYLAVARAM in JAMMALAMADUGU assembly constituency.He is going through his campaign before the announcement of the candidates of other parties.
                                     He has to prove his strength now to the state people and & to the congrss leaders of both state level and national level.So he is doing hard work for this.He is doing is canvas in such a way that there should be at least 3 days in each & every assembly segment.He started his election campaign in the view of his future also.So he is announcing the schemes that he will introduce if he become the leader of the state.His ideas and strengths are to be focused now in this elections because they are very important to him in future also.He is using his father's name and charisma in the elections.


Tossing away a superbly very good, nevertheless old mobile handset appears to be an important waste to me. But exactly what do I do with my old phones? I did think of giving them away, but most individuals I understand are like me, they have a quantity of used mobile phone devices saved in their drawer, gathering dust. That’s why I’m fascinated by the idea of selling my phone for money. Finding a new home for my unwanted worn out mobile handset sounds very good though the fact that I’m getting some money back for this is even better.

The very idea of my worn out mobile phone getting inside the container and ending up in the landfill makes me feel guilty. I am aware that mobiles possess dangerous chemical compounds within them that will harm environmental surroundings if they are just carelessly disposed. The thought that I’m liable for poisoning a piece of land and making it unusable sounds really frightening. (Ok, don’t point out that my driving to the office everyday probably causes more harm to the planet when compared with my own mobile, that’s another matter, altogether.)

Actually, the key reason why I’m hesitant to easily bin my phones is really because I’ve paid great money for them. Yes, I’ve used them, however the thought of simply tossing something that cost me personally over a $ 100 or so pounds a year ago makes me think that I’m just frittering money away. Selling my mobile and recycle mobile phones for cash just eases that guilt slightly, not to mention it allows me personally a bit of cash for the brand new mobile phone that has just been launched.

I found that selling my mobile or recycling mobile phones for cash is actually very simple. There are loads of recycling organizations that will compensate good money for worn out mobile phone devices, particularly those with high specification. Personally, I don’t own a costly smart phone. I always choose the mid-range ones. But if you, however, have expensive taste and have always gone for the top end mobile phones, your old phone can fetch as many as £190. That shows that the money you get from selling your mobile phone can pay approximately a third of the cost of the brand new one.

However, should your old phone is slightly older plus much more basic, chances are, probably you'll only get a very few quid from selling your mobile, £3 at the most. But don’t feel bad over it. Think of it as recycling mobile phones for cash. Your phone is not doing anything useful anyway. It is only taking valuable space, so why not let someone safely dispose it for you and have some cash along the way? It is not going to cost you anything and you'll feel better getting rid of your older phone



Parliament is the supreme legislative body of a country. Our Parliament comprises of the President and the two Houses—Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States). The President has the power to summon and prorogue either House of Parliament or to dissolve Lok Sabha.
The Constitution of India came into force on January 26, 1950. The first general elections under the new Constitution were held during the year 1951-52 and the first elected Parliament came into being in April, 1952, the Second Lok Sabha in April, 1957, the Third Lok Sabha in April, 1962, the Fourth Lok Sabha in March, 1967, the Fifth Lok Sabha in March, 1971, the Sixth Lok Sabha in March, 1977, the Seventh Lok Sabha in January, 1980, the Eighth Lok Sabha in December, 1984, the Ninth Lok Sabha in December, 1989, the Tenth Lok Sabha in June, 1991, the Eleventh Lok Sabha in May, 1996, the Twelfth Lok Sabha in March, 1998 and Thirteenth Lok Sabha in October, 1999.


Lok Sabha, as the name itself signifies, is the body of representatives of the people. Its members are directly elected, normally once in every five years by the adult population who are eligible to vote. The minimum qualifying age for membership of the House is 25 years. The present membership of Lok Sabha is 545. The number is divided among the different States and Union Territories as follows:
(1) Andhra Pradesh 42
(2) Arunachal Pradesh 2
(3) Assam 14
(4) Bihar 40
(5) Chhattisgarh 11
(6) Goa 2
(7) Gujarat 26
(8) Haryana 10
(9) Himachal Pradesh 4
(10) Jammu & Kashmir 6
(11) Jharkhand 14
(12) Karnataka 28
(13) Kerala 20
(14) Madhya Pradesh 29
(15) Maharashtra 48
(16) Manipur 2
(17) Meghalaya 2
(18) Mizoram 1
(19) Nagaland 1
(20) Orissa 21
(21) Punjab 13
(22) Rajasthan 25
(23) Sikkim 1
(24) Tamil Nadu 39
(25) Tripura 2
(26) Uttaranchal 5
(27) Uttar Pradesh 80
(28) West Bengal 42
(29) Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1
(30) Chandigarh 1
(31) Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1
(32) Daman & Diu 1
(33) NCT of Delhi 7
(34) Lakshadweep 1
(35) Pondicherry 1
(36) Anglo-Indians (if nominated 2 by the President under Article 331 of the Constitution)


Rajya Sabha is the Upper House of Parliament. It has not more than 250 members. Members of Rajya Sabha are not elected by the people directly but indirectly by the Legislative Assemblies of the various States. Every State is allotted a certain number of members. No member of Rajya Sabha can be under 30 years of age.
Twelve of Rajya Sabha members are nominated by the President from persons who have earned distinction in the fields of literature, art, science and social service.
Rajya Sabha is a permanent body. It is not subject to dissolution but one-third of its members retire every two years. Rajya Sabha was duly constituted for the first time on April 3, 1952 and it held its first sitting on May 13, that year.
There are at present 245 members in Rajya Sabha, distributed among different States and Union Territories as follows:
(1) Andhra Pradesh 18
(2) Arunachal Pradesh 1
(3) Assam 7
(4) Bihar 16
(5) Chhattisgarh 5
(6) Goa 1
(7) Gujarat 11
(8) Haryana 5
(9) Himachal Pradesh 3
(10) Jammu & Kashmir 4
(11) Jharkhand 6
(12) Karnataka 12
(13) Kerala 9
(14) Madhya Pradesh 11
(15) Maharashtra 19
(16) Manipur 1
(17) Meghalaya 1
(18) Mizoram 1
(19) Nagaland 1
(20) Orissa 10
(21) Punjab 7
(22) Rajasthan 10
(23) Sikkim 1
(24) Tamil Nadu 18
(25) Tripura 1
(26) Uttaranchal 3
(27) Uttar Pradesh 31
(28) West Bengal 16
(29) NCT of Delhi 3
(30) Pondicherry 1
(31) Nominated by the President under 12 Article 80(1)(a) of the Constitution

Presiding Officers

Lok Sabha elects one of its own members as its Presiding Officer and he is called the Speaker. He is assisted by the  Deputy Speaker who is also elected by Lok Sabha. The conduct of business in Lok Sabha is the responsibility of the Speaker.
The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha. He is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of members of both Houses of Parliament. Rajya Sabha also elects one of its members to be the Deputy Chairman.

Functions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

The main function of both the Houses is to pass laws. Every Bill has to be passed by both the Houses and assented to by the President before it becomes law. The subjects over which Parliament can legislate are the subjects mentioned under the Union List in the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India. Broadly speaking, Union subjects are those important subjects which for reasons of convenience, efficiency and security are administered on all-India basis. The principal Union subjects are Defence, Foreign Affairs, Railways, Transport and Communications, Currency and Coinage, Banking, Customs and Excise Duties. There are numerous other subjects on which both Parliament and State Legislatures can legislate.
Under this category mention may be made of economic and social planning, social security and insurance, labour welfare, price control and vital statistics.
Besides passing laws, Parliament can by means of resolutions, motions for adjournment, discussions and questions addressed by members to Ministers exercise control over the administration of the country and safeguard people’s liberties.
Difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

(1) Members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the eligible voters. Members of Rajya Sabha are elected by the elected members of State Legislative Assemblies in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote.
(2) The normal life of every Lok Sabha is 5 years only while Rajya Sabha is a permanent body.
(3) Lok Sabha is the House to which the Council of Ministers is responsible under the Constitution. Money Bills can only be introduced in Lok Sabha. Also it is Lok Sabha which grants the money for running the administration of the country.
(4) Rajya Sabha has special powers to declare that it is necessary and expedient in the national interest that Parliament may make laws with respect to a matter in the State List or to create by law one or more all-India services common to the Union and the States.

Increasing tips to improve traffic for website

Six Ways to Increase Traffic of Your Website

It can be quite easy to build up a website nowadays – any of the enterprises doing website building service would take care of everything. But when the website is accomplished, the real big problem becomes to hurt, traffic! How can we increase our traffic by leaps and bounds, especially without breaking the bank?

#1 Write great content and visitors will love you! If you don’t have unique content or always keep the same old information, even people find you, they will not stay.

#2 Get quality and legal backlinks. SEO is important, learn to do it as soon as possible. If you can achieve top keyword rank on authoritative search engines, visitors will come automatically!

#3 Go to make post on big famous forum and blog website. It is a little tiresome, but it really works!

#4 Promote your website offline. Business cards, newspapers, gifts with the address of your website, etc. can all be practicable, and I’m sure you could have more creative ideas.

#5 Buy advertisements on portal websites, or get contest price rank on big search engines. This may cost a lot, but often works.

#6 Buy traffic from a reliable company, like That’s not expensive, but pay attention, the traffic you buy must be real traffic or it is just the waste of money. Real traffic means real different IP, not just refresh rate. Your website can be seen by real different people, and if your content or service or product is appealing enough to the visitors, you can keep them sticking around. Traffic will be increased rapidly by this way, and it is real and effective traffic!

No matter which of the methods, find the one that make sense for you and be easy for you to stick to, I’m sure your website will get a lot traffic in the long run!

Importance of nursery education in India

In India, pre-school is divided into three stages. These three stages are Playgroup, Lower Kindergaten (LKG) and Upper Kindergarten. Nursery School Education helps young children learn as they play. Here they learn to play with materials. Here they also learn to cope up to live with other children and teachers. Nursery School Education is the stepping stone for your child’s education. When you admit your child in school, you learn also learn as a parent by observing your child. Here you get to learn many things about human relations.

Nursery School Education helps in the all round development of your child. Here the child gets to develop a good physique and basic motor skills. It helps a child to develop good health habits, adequate muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills. Through Nursery Education, a child learns how to develop good health habits and to develop basic skills required for personal adjustments like dressing yourself and toilet and cleaning habits. The child learns how to develop emotional maturity.

He also learns how to express and control emotions. Pre Nursery School Education also helps a child develop desirable social attitudes, manners etc. Here a child learns how to appreciate art, music and beauty. At Nursery School, a child is encouraged to be independent and creative. After finishing Senior Kindergaten, a child enters standard One.

Through Pre School Education, a child learns to deal with separation anxiety. Initially a child is totally dependent on his/her parents. After getting into a pre-school, he learns how to spend a couple of hours there. At nursery schools, the child gets to play with the right kind of toys, which have educational value attached to them. So in total, there is a lot of value addition as far as preliminary education is concerned.

At a pre school, a child is educated for getting admission into bigger schools. After getting into a pre-school, a child develops a routine for himself. Education at pre-school, trains a child so that he does not have any difficulty in adjusting into a bigger school. At a pre school, a child learns to become confident and independent.


Becoming a parent is a unique and happy moment for everyone. When you hold your baby for the first time you feel a flood of joy. When baby comes into your life parents worry about caring for them and the proper care of a baby plays an important part in every parent's life.

Taking proper care of a baby is always a significant affair in every mother's life. Babies are delicate, and all mothers should take extra care while handling a baby. If you are a first-time mother, you should try to inform yourself of the pros and cons of baby care before you start handling your baby. A consultation with a pediatrician is also hugely beneficial.

Baby skin is always very sensitive so mothers need to be extra cautious when choosing baby skin products for their little ones. Here are some Baby skincare tips which you can follow:

Use a good oil and massage your baby's skin in a proper manner.

Oil should not be put in the ears or nose. It can cause serious damage and infection.

Use soft baby soap while bathing your baby.

Use baby lotion or moisturizer for moisturizing your baby's skin.

Do not apply talcum or baby powder on diaper rashes. Instead apply ointment containing zinc oxide on the affected areas.

Like skin care, proper hair care is also a must for the babies. Newborns have gentle hair which needs to be kept neat and clean. Shampooing is extremely necessary for clean hair. But you need not shampoo your baby's hair every day. It has to be done at regular intervals. Take note of the following guidelines while shampooing your baby’s hair:

First and foremost you must choose a mild shampoo for your baby. Take a little shampoo and massage it gently on your baby's scalp before you wash it off.

Make sure that the shampoo does not get into the eyes of your little one.

See that no tangles are formed in the hair while washing it.

Some important things that parents should keep in mind

Choose cotton clothing for babies to avoid skin allergies.

Never leave a young child alone with your baby; they might pick him up and drop him or give him dangerous objects to play with.

Keep a supply of first aid equipment in your house.

Babies must be kept warm and dry to prevent heat loss.

Strong smelling soaps and cosmetics should be avoided and mild non perfumed soaps should be used instead. This can help to prevent skin allergies and rashes.

Never leave the baby alone in the bath even for a second.

No home remedies should be given even for minor problems. Consult your doctor as soon as you feel something is wrong.

If the baby is bottle fed, never leave them alone with her bottle they may choke.

The essence of HINDUISM

The essence of popular Hinduism is encapsulated in one of the verses of Gita, one of the most sacred scriptures of Hinduism. The scripture is about Krishna, the divine personality, telling humanity through his disciple Arjun on what needs to be done to win the final salvation for the human soul. In the verse 12.0.9 of the scripture, Krishna tells Arjun the following words:

“If you are unable to focus your mind steadily on Me, then long to attain Me by practice of any other spiritual discipline, such as a ritual, or deity worship that suits you.”(

The above words succinctly summarize what popular Hinduism is all about. Worship rituals are the most popular way of life in Hinduism. Hinduism does not prohibit other ways for attaining self-realization and salvation. If the person is intellectual enough, he or she can follow other modes of enlightenment such as meditating and fixing the mind on the absolute; or follow such other forms as Karma Yoga, Gnana Yoga, for attaining God. However, most common people find such methodologies of attaining God to be beyond them. So they follow the simpler ritualistic methodology for attaining the Supreme Being.

Ritualistic worship sits at the heart of the popular Hinduism. Instead of sitting motionless in front of God’s idol for about an hour and try to fix the mind on God, a devotee engages himself into various worship rituals. Place a glass of water in front of the idol, sanctify it with hymns or chantings of the names of God for a few minutes, and then sip some of that holy water. Place a few flowers in front of God’s idols or make an elaborate decoration of the idols with garlanded flowers. Sanctify the idols with kunkum powder and smear some of that powder on one’s forehead. Pour some oil into a couple of lamps, light them, and keep them in front of the idols. On important occasions, replace the usage of oil with compounds like Ghee, which are costlier than oil. Light a couple of incense sticks and place them in front of the idols. The smoke that comes out from these incense sticks fills up the room with pleasant smell. Place a couple of fruits in front of idols, sanctify the fruits with hymns, and then eat some of that fruit as a blessing from God. These are some of the common tasks done by an average Hindu almost everyday. The devout perform these tasks twice a day; they need to perform these tasks only after taking bath.

It is not that rituals are not present in other religions, but in Hinduism, these rituals take on much more elaborate proportions. Especially, when done in temples, these rituals are done for hours together. Ritualism sits at the heart of common Hinduism, which is why Hinduism is sometimes termed as a way of life. Many common Hindus are not much aware of Vedas, Puranas, Tantras, and such other Hindu scriptures. What they do have is a knowledge of large number of rituals performed at every junction of one’s life, which is what day-to-day Hinduism is all about.

Monday, 4 April 2011

The person i like

I likes Y.S.RAJA SEKHAR REDDY garu very much who was ex-CM of ANDHRA PRADESH.He was born on 8th july 1949.His full name is YEDUGURI SANDINTI RAJA SEKHAR REDDY.He was born in a small village called "BALAPANURU" in PULIVENDULA assembly segment.He was born to Y.S.RAJA REDDY & JAYAMMA.He studied M.B.B.S in KARNATAKA state and practiced in campbell hospital in JAMMALAMADUGU which is a major town in KADAPA district.Later he was started a new hospital in PULIVENDULA with the help of his father and relatives.But he was thinking that with hospital he can serve to limited number of people so he was changed his decision and entered into the politics.He was elected to 9th,10th,11th,12th lok sabha from kadapa and also he was a 5 time MLA from Pulivendula in kadapa district.He was very attactive and charismatic leader in ANDHRA PRADESH.He was elected as chief ministers 2 times[2004 & 2009].He was introduced several welfare schemes to serve the people who are under BPL[Below Poverty Line].So he was called as "KING OF WELFARE SCHEMES".He never lost in a single election  until his death.Before becoming the CM he was walked through different disricts of ANDHRA PRADESH called "PADA YATRA "more than 1600 KMs in hot summer for 3 months which changed his life entirely.He was 14th chief minister of andhrapradesh preceded by N.CHANDRA BABU NAIDU and succeeded by KONIJETI ROSAIAH.He went to elections in 2009 with the slogan "development and credibility"[ abhivrudhi & viswasa neeyata in telugu].He did not promise any new schemes to the people but only promise he was given to people was "I will implement the current schemes strictly to benifit all the people of the state".He was having the capability to attact the people effectively.

                                        So many people criticized him that he is wasting government money.But the people of the state were elected him again as a chief minister of the state.This tells that the name & fame he had in the public.So the people think that "if once he tell that he can do any help".He introduced "RAJIV AROGYA SRI",under which the poor people will have the health insurance of  Rs 2,00,000 for their family for health treatment in corporate hospitals.He re-intoduced Rs 2/-per KG rice and increased it to30 KG to each family in 2009 elections from 20 KG limit.He was only the CM who worked entirely different in CONGRESS party.

information about my village

My village name is NEMALLADINNE in JAMMALAMADUGU assembly constituency,which is in KADAPA district on the bank of river KUNDU.It was previously called as KUMUDWATI in our PURAANAA's.My village is very good and nice to see.Our village population is about 1200.Our village is having the fertile land about 1000 acres.The people will cultivate the crops like PADDY,JOWAR,COTTON,GROUND NUT,RED GRAM etc.The river causes floods for every 2 years which leads a huge loss to the people of several surrounding villages namely BALAPANAGUDURU,GARISALURU,CHINNA MUDIUM,PALURU & PEDDAMUDIUM which is our mandal head quarter.It affected so many times recently also.My village consists of so many temples among them RAAMALAYM,VINAYAKA,CHENNAKESAVA,LORD SIVA are very famous.Our village goddes are PEDDAMMA and is very nearer to JAMMALAMADUGU & ALLAGADDA in kurnool district.Our river is very near to K-C canal [kurnool-cuddapah canal].Irrigation system is good.Our MLA is SRI C.ADI NARAYANA REDDY who was a chemisty lecturer when my father was studying intermediate.He was elected second time consecutively.Our village is more than 100 KMs distance from our disrict head quarter KADAPA.The legendary people of my distict are ex-CM Y.S.RAJA SEKHAR REDDY,renowned film director B.N.REDDY,ex-reserve bank governor Y.V.REDDY[YAGA VENU GOPAL REDDY],great poet YOGI VEMANA,poetes MOLLA,ANNAMACHARYA etc...

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